Monday 26 September 2016

REX series temperature controller

Title: How to control temperature using REX series temperature controller.

Why: In industries, commercial sector some times temperature control of heater or the heater use in machine is necessary that time time we have to simultaneously ON-OFF the heater to avoid unwanted heating of coil.
      But using REX series temperature controller you can easily controller the temperature within SET limit.means once you SET the temperature on controller,yore heater coil take cut automatically at you're set temperature.
       To achieve temperature as per requirement we can get using REX series controller.

REX Series Temperaure controller
1) As per shown in fig connect the single phase AC supply to point 1 and point 2, Phase & Neutral                Respectively.
2) Now take loop from point 1 to point 3 which is phase wire as per fig.

3) As per above fig of temperature sensor 
 Green Terminal = Is the Positive terminal (+) of sensor.
Remaining white terminal= you can consider any one as a negative(-) or common and connect them as per main circuit diagram,at point 8, 9  and 10.

4) Now connect the heater coil between point 4 and point 2, where point is work as neutral and point 4 is the out put of relay.
where at point 4 cut in and cut off of relay occurs means through point no 4 as per SET temperature supply is cut-in and cut-off to the heater coil.

      REX series controller view 

From above both fig. you can understand the circuit as per we draw and circuit dig indication by manufacture.  

Theory:                                                                                                                                                        1) The connection given by us is different from manufacture( He also right)  but our coonection are easy and simple so any one can understand REX series controller.for temperature control within SET limit. 

                                                              REX controller front view  

2) As per in pic " PV " is you're temperature which is sense by temperature sensor and " SV " Is the temperature SET by you for limit.
3) Once you Reach temperature as per SET point your heater will take CUT-OFF as per shown in main Circuit dig.through point 4 which is relay OUTPUT.     


1) Press the SET button on controller which is shown in above pic.then you will see yore "SV" indicator start blanking then you can SET you're temperature as using UP DOWN keys also shown in pic.once done. press again SET.
If we SET "SV" 48 degree then you're heater take automatic CT-OFF once it reach at 48 degree.

2) This setting is sufficient for us for extra settings you can prefer manual which is provided by manufacture.

Conclusion: Using Above circuit dig. and steps you can easily control the temperature of any heater within 

Kiran Patil


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