Tuesday 27 September 2016

Types of Distribution feeder system

Title: Main types of Distribution feeder system for beginners of electrical engineering.

Theory :


In India most of the feeder system is radial feeder system its simple and least expensive, now a days big city's start using ring main system.

If fault occur in redial system would result in breakdown of supply of number of costumers until the fault is clear or extinguish.
           From single dig. you can understand there is only one supply to which all costumers are connected no backup supply is available,if fault occur on this feeder system result in whole area will black out. 

2) Parallel Feeder system.

This system is more reliable than radial feeder system but we are using two parallel line so cost is also double.

From above single line dig. you can understand the how we can transfer load from one line to other parallel line in case of fault.
          parallel system is also use full in case of load shedding of certain area,if we have short of Power not and not achieving demand then we can also shut some costumers while keep running others. 
         this scheme mostly use in URBAN areas now a days.

3) Ring main feeder 

        In ring main feeder sysem all substation are connected in ring such that the Start and finish end of the ring are meet at the same location, power is delivered by both pathways of the ring into substations located around the ring.

If any fault occurs on any point which is the around the ring then Faulty section is isolated by protective circuit breakers and the maintains supply continuity to other substation of ring feeder as per shown in above single line diagram.
       The advantage of Ring system is that if primary supply is break secondary supply keep running substations.

4) Mesh system.

This type of system use in Transmission and sub-transmission system This ensures that alternative supply can be available to customers in the event of failure of a transmission line or element.
        This is simmiler to parallel system only difference is that back up supply is available in mesh system.
Mesh system of transmission is use in outer rural area where difficult to reach in the event of fault.

Kiran Patil

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