Saturday 22 October 2016

Buchholz Relay

Title:Buchholz Relay

In the field of the electrical power distribution and transmission, a Buchholz relay is a safety device mounted on some oil-filled power Transformer and reactors, equipped with an external overhead oil reservoir called a "conservator". The Buchholz relay is used as a protective device sensitive to the effects of Dielectric failure inside the equipment. Buchholz Relay Principle

The Buchholz relay working principle of is very simple. Buchholz relay function is based on very simple mechanical phenomenon. It is mechanically actuated. Whenever there will be a minor internal fault in the transformer such as an insulation faults between turns, break down of core of transformer, core heating, the transformer insulating oil will be decomposed in different hydrocarbon gases, CO2 and CO. The gases produced due to decomposition of transformer insulating oil will accumulate in the upper part the Buchholz container which causes fall of oil level in it.
Fall of oil level means lowering the position of float and thereby tilting the mercury switch. The contacts of this mercury switch are closed and an alarm circuit energized. Sometime due to oil leakage on the main tank air bubbles may be accumulated in the upper part the Buchholz container which may also cause fall of oil level in it and alarm circuit will be energized. By collecting the accumulated gases from the gas release pockets on the top of the relay and by analyzing them one can predict the type of fault in the Transformer.
More severe types of faults, such as short circuit between phases or to earth and faults in the tap changing equipment, are accompanied by a surge of oil which strikes the baffle plate and causes the mercury switch of the lower element to close. This switch energized the trip circuit of the circuit associated with the transformer and immediately isolate the faulty transformer from the rest of the electrical power system by inter tripping the circuit breakers associated with both LV and HV sides of the transformer. This is how Buchholz relay functions.

Buchholz Relay Operation Certain Precaution

The Buchholz relay operation may be actuated without any fault in the transformer. For instance, when oil is added to a transformer, air may get in together with oil, accumulated under the relay cover and thus cause a false Buchholz relay operation.

That is why mechanical lock is provided in that relay so that one can lock the movement of mercury switches when oil is topping up in the transformer. This mechanical locking also helps to prevent unnecessary movement of breakable glass bulb of mercury switches during transportation of the Buchholz relays.
The lower float may also falsely operate if the oil velocity in the connection pipe through, not due to internal fault, is sufficient to trip over the float. This can occurs in the event of external short circuit when over currents flowing through the winding cause overheated the copper and the oil and cause the oil to expand.

Kiran Patil

Monday 17 October 2016

How to unlock pattern lock if you forget password

Title: How to unlock pattern  lock if you forget password for Android device.

  1.  First Turn off your Android device.
  2. Press and hold the "power", "volume down", and "camera" buttons simultaneously. If your mobile device does not have a camera function, just press and hold the "power" and "volume down" buttons.
  3. Release all buttons once you're device power
  4. You will see many options Scroll using your "Volume up and down" button until you find the "Factory Data Reset" option.
  5. Tap the "Factory Data Reset" option.(Instructions also mention on screen)

  1. Tap "Reset phone".
  2. This will erase all of your data, but it will allow you to unlock your Android mobile device.
  3. A confirmation message to clear data will appear.
  4. Select "Erase everything", which will permanently delete all of the data.
  5. You should now be able to use your Android device without previously having had a Google Account or email address registered.
  6. Make sure you review this guide to see the standard recovery options, and set up an alternate method to recover your phone in the future, so you don't have to perform another "Factory Data Reset."
  7. Don't forget to put your SD card back, and copy your files back to your device, from the location you saved them to on your computer.
Kiran Patil

Saturday 15 October 2016

Electrical Law's ( Ask in competitive exams )

1) Ohms Law

The statement of Ohm’s law
If potential difference or voltage is applied across a resistor of a closed circuit, current starts flowing through it.

This current is directly proportional to the voltage applied if temperature and all other factors remain constant. Thus we can mathematically express it as:

Now putting the constant of proportionality we get,
This equation show statement of ohms law.

I= is the current through the resistor measured in Ampere (Ampere, or amps),
V=the Voltage/potential difference applied across the resistor in unit of volt,
R=ohm(Ω) is the unit of measure for the resistance of the resistor R
It’s important to note that the resistance R is the property of the conductor and theoretically has no dependence on the voltage applied, or on the flow of current. The value of R changes only if the conditions (like temperature, diameter length etc.) of the material are changed by any means.

Resistivity of each material is different it depend on material not on the applied voltage and current.

Easy to remember

3) Faraday's Law of Electromagnetic Induction

Faraday's First Law

Any change in the magnetic field of a coil of wire will cause an emf to be induced in the coil. This emf induced is called induced emf and if the Conductor circuit is closed, the Current will also circulate through the circuit and this current is called induced current.

Method to change magnetic field:
  1. By moving a magnet towards or away from the coil
  2. By moving the coil into or out of the magnetic field.
  3. By changing the area of a coil placed in the magnetic field
  4. By rotating the coil relative to the magnet

Faraday's Second Law

It states that the magnitude of emf induced in the coil is equal to the rate of change of flux that linkages with the coil. The flux linkage of the coil is the product of number of turns in the coil and flux associated with the coil.

Faraday Law Formula

Consider a magnet approaching towards a coil. Here we consider two instants at time T1 and time T2. Flux linkage with the coil at time, T1 = NΦ1 Wb Flux linkage with the coil at time, T2 = NΦ2 wb Change in flux linkage = N(Φ2 - Φ1) Let this change in flux linkage be, Φ = Φ2 - Φ1 So, the Change in flux linkage = NΦ Now the rate of change of flux linkage = NΦ / t Take derivative on right hand side we will get The rate of change of flux linkage = NdΦ/dt But according to Faraday's law of electromagnetic induction, the rate of change of flux linkage is equal to induced emf.

Considering Len'z Law

Where, flux Φ in Wb = B.A B = magnetic field strength A = area of the coil
  • By increasing the number of turns in the coil i.e N- From the formulae derived above it is easily seen that if number of turns of coil is increased, the induced emf also gets increased.
  • By increasing magnetic field strength i.e B surrounding the coil- Mathematically if magnetic field increases, flux increases and if flux increases emf induced will also get increased. Theoretically, if the coil is passed through a stronger magnetic field, there will be more lines of force for coil to cut and hence there will be more emf induced.
  • By increasing the speed of the relative motion between the coil and the magnet - If the relative speed between the coil and magnet is increased from its previous value, the coil will cut the lines of flux at a faster rate, so more induced emf would be produced.
Applictions: Transformer,generator,Induction cookers Etc.

4) Lenz law:
Lenz's law states that when an emf is generated by a change in Magnetic Flux according to Faraday's Law, the polarity of the induced emf is such, that it produces an Current that's magnetic field opposes the change which produces it.
The negative sign used in Faraday's law of electomagnetic induction indicates that the induced emf ( ε ) and the change in magnetic flux ( δΦB ) have opposite signs.
ε = Induced emf δΦB = change in magnetic flux N = No of turns in coil

Reason for Opposing, Cause of Induced Current in Lenz's Law?

  • As stated above, Lenz's law obeys the law of conservation of energy and if the direction of the magnetic field that creates the current and the magnetic field of the current in a conductor are in same direction, then these two magnetic fields would add up and produce the current of twice the magnitude and this would in turn create more magnetic field, which will cause more current and this process continuing on and on leads to violation of the law of conservation of energy.
  • If the induced current creates a magnetic field which is equal and opposite to the direction of magnetic field that creates it, then only it can resist the change in the magnetic field in the area, which is in accordance to the Newton's third law of motion.

4) Fleming Left Hand Rule

It is found that whenever an current carrying conductor is placed inside a magnetic field, a force acts on the conductor, in a direction perpendicular to both the directions of the current and the magnetic field. In the figure it is shown that, a portion of a conductor of length L placed vertically in a uniform horizontal magnetic field strength H, produced by two magnetic poles N and S. If i is the current flowing through this conductor, the magnitude of the force acts on the conductor is,
F = BiL

Hold out your left hand with forefinger, second finger and thumb at right angle to one another. If the fore finger represents the direction of the field and the second finger that of the current, then thumb gives the direction of the force. While, current flows through a conductor, one magnetic field is induced around it. This can be imagined by considering numbers of closed magnetic lines of force around the conductor. The direction of magnetic lines of force can be determined by Maxwell's corkscrew rule or right-hand grip rule. As per these rules, the direction of the magnetic lines of force (or flux lines) is clockwise if the current is flowing away from the viewer, that is if the direction of current through the conductor is inward from the reference plane as shown in the figure.

Now if a horizontal magnetic field is applied externally to the conductor, these two magnetic fields i.e. field around the conductor due to current through it and the externally applied field will interact with each other. We observe in the picture, that the magnetic lines of force of external magnetic field are from N to S pole that is from left to right. The magnetic lines of force of external magnetic field and magnetic lines of force due to current in the conductor are in same direction above the conductor, and they are in opposite direction below the conductor. Hence there will be larger numbers of co-directional magnetic lines of force above the conductor than that of below the conductor. Consequently, there will be a larger concentration of magnetic lines of force in a small space above the conductor. As magnetic lines of force are no longer straight lines, they are under tension like stretched rubber bands. As a result, there will be a force which will tend to move the conductor from more concentrated magnetic field to less concentrated magnetic field, that is from present position to downwards. Now if you observe the direction of current, force and magnetic field in the above explanation, you will find that the directions are according to the Fleming left hand rule.

5) Fleming Right Hand Rule

As per Faradays law of electromagnetic induction, whenever a conductor moves inside a magnetic field, there will be an induced current it. If this conductor gets forcefully moved inside the magnetic field, there will be a relation between the direction of applied force, magnetic field and the current. This relation among these three directions is determined by Fleming Right Hand Rule This rule states "Hold out the right hand with the first finger, second finger and thumb at right angle to each other. If forefinger represents the direction of the line of force, the thumb points in the direction of motion or applied force, then second finger points in the direction of the induced current.

5) Gauss Law

There is always Static electric field around positive and negative charge Actually this flux is radiated/from the electric charge. Now amount of this flow of flux depends upon the quantity of charge it is emanating from. To find out this relation, the Gauss's theorem was introduced. This theorem can be considered as one of the most powerful and most useful theorem in the field of electrical science. We can find out the amount of flux radiated through the surface area surrounding the charge from this theorem.This theorem states that the total electric flux through any closed surface surrounding a charge, is equal to the net positive charge enclosed by that surface. Suppose the charges Q1, Q2_ _ _ _Qi, _ _ _ Qn are enclosed by a surface, then the theorem may be expressed mathematically by surface integral as

Where, D= is the flux density in coulombs/m2
dS= is the outwardly directed vector.

For better explanation lets go through example consider Q be the charge at the center and charge is normal to the subsurface states that total charge emanated from body equal to charge Q coulombs if charge is not place at the center other than center
At that time, the flux lines are not normal to the surface surrounding the charge, then this flux is resolved into two components which are perpendicular to each other, the horizontal one is the sinθ component and the vertical one is the cosθ component. Now when the sum of these components is taken for all the charges, then the net result is equal to the total charge of the system which proves Gauss's theorem.

Proof of Gauss’s Theorem

Let us consider a point charge Q located in a homogeneous isotropic medium of permittivity ε.

The Electric field intensity at any point at a distance r from the charge is

The flex density is given as,

Now from the figure the flux through area dS

Where, θ is the angle between D and the normal to dS

Now, dScosθ is the projection of dS is normal to the radius vector.
By definition of a solid angle

Where, dΩ is the solid angle subtended at Q by the elementary surface are dS. So the total displacement of flux through the entire surface area is

Now, we know that the solid angle subtended by any closed surface is 4π steradians, so the total Electric Flux through the entire surface is
This is the integral form of Gauss's theorem. And hence this theorem is proved.

Thursday 13 October 2016

Basics of circuit breaker mechanism

Title: Basics of Circuit breaker mechanism 

How circuit breaker trip unit works?

                                                                                                                                            Thermal magnetic Trip Unit

In addition to providing a means to open and close its contacts manually, a circuit breaker must automatically open its contacts when an overcurrent condition is sensed.
The trip unit is the part of the circuit breaker that determines when the contacts will open automatically.
In a thermal-magnetic circuit breaker, the trip unit includes elements designed to sense the heat resulting from an overload condition and the high current resulting from a short circuit. In addition, some thermal magnetic circuit breakers incorporate a “PUSH TO TRIP” button.

Trip Mechanism

The trip unit includes a trip mechanism that is held in place by the tripper bar. As long as the tripper bar holds the trip mechanism, the mechanism remains firmly locked in place.

      Trip Unit with Trip mechanism

The operating mechanism is held in the “ON” position by the trip mechanism. When a trip is activated, the trip mechanism releases the operating mechanism, which opens the contacts.
Note: the drawings in this section show an AC power source; however, a DC source could also be used.

 The Operating mechanism is held in the “ON”    position by the trip mechanism.

Manual Trip

Some molded case circuit breakers, especially larger breakers, can be manually tripped by pressing the “PUSH TO TRIP” button on the face of the circuit breaker. When the button is pressed the tripper bar rotates up and to the right. This allows the trip mechanism to “unlock” releasing the operating mechanism.
The operating mechanism opens the contacts.
The “PUSH TO TRIP” button also serves as a safety device by preventing access to the circuit breaker interior in the “ON” position. If an attempt is made to remove the circuit breaker cover while the contacts are in the closed (“ON”) position, a spring located under the push button causes the button to lift up and the breaker to trip.

                          Manual trip mechanism

Overload Trip

Thermal-magnetic circuit breakers employ a bi-metalic strip to sense overload conditions. When sufficient overcurrent flows through the circuit breaker’s current path, heat build up causes the bi-metalic strip to bend. After bending a predetermined distance, the bi-metalic strip makes contact with the tripper bar activating the trip mechanism.

Thermal-magnetic circuit breakers employ a bi-metalic strip to sense overload conditions.

Circuit breaker contacts
A bi-metallic strip is made of two dissimilar metals bonded together. The two metals have different thermal expansion characteristics, so the bi-metallic strip bends when heated. As current rises, heat also rises.
The hotter the bi-metallic becomes the more it bends. After the source of heat is removed, as when the circuit breaker contacts open, the bi-metallic strip cools and returns to its original condition. This allows a circuit breaker to be manually reset once the overload condition has been corrected.

Short Circuit Trip

As previously described, current flow through a circuit breaker’s blow-apart contacts creates opposing magnetic fields. Under normal operating conditions, these opposing forces are not sufficient to separate the contacts. When a short circuit occurs, however, these opposing forces increase significantly.
The current that flows through the contacts also flows through a conductor that passes close to the circuit breaker’s trip unit. At fault current levels, the magnetic field surrounding this conductor provides sufficient force to unlatch the trip unit and trip the breaker.

                                                    Short Circuit Trip

The combined actions of magnetic fields forcing contacts apart while simultaneously tripping the circuit breaker result in rapid interruption of the fault current. In addition, because the magnetic forces are proportional to the current, the greater the fault current, the shorter the time it takes to interrupt the current.

Source: Siemens basics of circuit breaker

Kiran Patil